Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Home Life of the Reluctant Bachelor

(1) I cut my own hair. It bothers me to wonder what it looks like in the back.
(2) I put shirts in the dryer to get the wrinkles out. I do not own an iron.
(3) I wash my hair, and shave, with soap. I don't know where the soap comes from. I think John buys it.
(4) I do not write thank-you notes.
(5) I drink soda for breakfast.
(6) I drink soda before bed.
(7) My floor is covered in clothes and books.
(8) After two years here, we are still not quite sure when trash day is.
(9) I eat when I am hungry. I eat when I am not hungry. I guess I eat when I want to.
(10) The people at McDonalds know me by name.


JB said...

I've been wondering where all the soap goes. Trash day is Tuesday... maybe Wednesday. Also, please add the equally telling point to #9- you eat when you're not hungry. Everything else seems quite normal... to me.

JB said...

p.s. your recent refinement of your blog is well done. Quite an accurate portrayal.

JB said...

I know you like it when you get comments, but this is dumb, you're downstairs.

JB said...

Bring me a soda.

JB said...

No! Root Beer!

Anonymous said...

Very scary in the portrait it paints!