Thursday, August 30, 2007

Gird Yourselves!

John has thrown down the gauntlet. I am eleven posts away from blogging glory. Here are the rules:

(1) No video posts.
(2) No previously written material, except for other people's writing, but then I must have a point to make about it.
(3) Must include at least one sonnet. No more than two sonnets allowed.
(4) Must include at least one non-sonnet poem. No more than two.
(5) Must include at least one reflection on scripture. I can do as many of these as I want.
(6) Must include at least one movie review.
(7) Must have the last post up by midnight.
(8) I cannot write about love, women, writing, or myself.
(9) I leave it up to readers to judge whether something is too short to be considered a real post. Keep in mind, if it is profound, one sentence may be better than a whole paragraph.
(10) This post does not count.


The Wrangler said...

I'm sweating! My hands are clammy. Is this what it feels like to have a job?

Benjamin said...

No, having a job feels more like being shot out of a cannon into a flimsy yet suprisingly smooth wall made out of the bones of dead apes and lightly coated with fish oils.

At least some jobs.

You know, like freaky jobs.


Anonymous said...

I don't like rules 5 and 8.

Cha said...

Good luck, poem master!