Saturday, August 25, 2007

Coffee Shop Meeting

I don't know how much I trust a man that blurts out the following before we've exchanged names: "What are you about 35?". Me, laughing, delighted, incredulous: "What?!"
"Are you about 35 years old?"
"No! I'm 28!"
"That's okay. Most people think I'm younger than I am." This is true, but most of these people know how immature I am. I don't think this guy had enough time to pick up on it.
Him: "How old do you think I am?"
"Um...I don't know. 33?"
"Oh man! Most people think I'm younger than I am too. I'm 32!...No, wait, is that right? What year is it?".
I was freakin' lovin' this guy!
"It's 2007."
"So...", scratching his head and doing some math. "Yeah, I'm 32."
God Bless coffee shop losers!


Anonymous said...


The Wrangler said...

I consider it a good day when I can say "What?!" and really mean it.