Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Too Many Chicken Nuggets!

Ugh. I just ate two McDonald's cheeseburgers, a large fry and five chicken McNuggets. What the hell is a McNugget? Oh shoot, it's a fasting day! Oh well, what else is new? The commercials that McDonalds put on when I was a kid were much better than the ones they do nowadays. "I'm lovin' it!" - that's so bland. The last one wasn't much better-"We love to see you smile!" You liars, you don't care one bit whether I'm smiling or reeling from a grease overdose.

I don't remember what the slogan was when I was a kid, but I do remember little dancing talking McNuggets. They were perfect in their freakish way: McNuggets are so different looking from anything that is normally considered edible that you expect them to start singing to you. At least back then McDonalds was having a little fun with their image. Nowadays, on the cups and bags they invite you to their website to learn about their ever changing menagerie of "global casting stars". They also have a little profile of a "global casting star" on each bag. The profiles are the most condescending little pieces of drivel: one person is some extreme sports nut, another person is a deaf sign language teacher, another one is a housecleaning fool and on and on. I think the idea is to emphasize "diversity" or something, but all it ends up doing is making everyone look equally disposable: like their personality can be jotted down in a few lines on a greasy bag. But what do you expect from a place like McDonalds: A place that devotes itself to churning out an endless string of uniform food products?

So, why do I go there? Because I'm addicted to it! Help!


Benjamin said...

As your brother at the table I forbid you from visiting McDonald's for the next seven days.

Does that help?

The Wrangler said...

It helped today!

Benjamin said...

We'll take our victories, however small our large they be.

Benjamin said...

our=or. anyhow.

Anonymous said...

And this from a former vegetarian...I've been trying to remember the McDonald's slogans from your childhood. I think that "You deserve a break today" came later.

The Wrangler said...

Hey ma. Miss ya. "You deserve a break today". Thank you McDonalds. I was working myself silly and you reminded me that I need to give myself a break. What's that? You want some money in exchange for your food? I don't have any money because I took too long a break. I thought I deserved the break, because you told me I did, so I took a break and just wanted some apple pie to enjoy during the break. Well, can I have a job then?