Thursday, August 30, 2007

New Frisbee Game: Frisbam!

When this game is done right, it's fought, not played. It's more of a duel, if you will (and I hope you will). Your weapon: a frisbee.

Hat tip to Jack for collaborating on the rules during a fine camping outing to Lake Maria.

Here's what you do:
(1) Bring one (1) friend to a large grassy field.

(2) Take off your shoes. Why? I'll tell you later. Just do it! Set one of your shoes down on the grass and pace four steps away toe-to-heel. Set your other shoe down.

(3) Walk to the middle of the line you just made between your two shoes. Now stretch your arms out as far as they go and wave them over your head and all around. The area in which you are waving your arms is the spherical shaped top of your strike zone. Picture yourself as trapped inside a giant upside-down test tube. The area in this tube is your whole strike zone. Your shoes will help you keep track of it.

(4) Have your friend do the same thing at an appropriate distance away from you. What is an appropriate distance? You are going to be chucking a frisbee directly at your friend as hard as you can, so you will have to be the judge. Here is a rough guideline:
-(a) More than 25 feet away: You're a sissy. Take your purse and go home.
-(b) Less than 10 feet away: See you at the hospital.

(5) Pick up the frisbee. Each of you stand in the center of your test tube.

(6) Now chuck the frisbee at your friend as hard as you can. The goal is to get it in your friends' strike zone and to throw it so hard that your friend drops it or misses it. Your friend can only use one hand to catch it.

(7) Scoring
-(a) If your throw is in the strike zone and:
----your friend touches it and drops it, you get 1 point
----your friend catches it, he gets 1 point
----your friend completely misses it, you get 2 points
-(b) If your throw is outside the strike zone and:
----your friend catches it, he gets 2 points
----your friend merely touches it, he gets 1 point

Notice that it is okay, encouraged even, to chuck the frisbee directly at your friends' face. By the way, don't plan on using your fingers for a few days after playing.


JB said...

You've got it right until the scoring part. If you throw it inside your friend's test tube and he/she completely misses it you only get one point. If you throw outside the test tube and he/she merely touches it- he/she looses 2 points(1 in Eurobam, a.k.a. Frubom)- doesn't gain 1. This is to create the risk/reward element going for outside throws.
p.s. thanks for the non-tip of your janky stained-ass corduroy hat. My hands have bled refining this game.

The Wrangler said...

Sorry I forgot you. Hat tip to John.

As for the rules: mine are simpler.

JB said...

You've ruined this for me.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a perfect game for boys!