Orthodox White Male (late 20's) seeking sincere atheist of any age to drive him to church, witness services, and argue for at least two hours afterwards. I will buy the coffee/other cheap menu item. Mere materialists need not apply, because they have no good arguments and I will refute them on the first meeting. I repeat: understanding physics does not make you an atheist! My ideal match would be well versed enough in the works of Plato to correct my errors regarding the nature of Christ without resorting to un-intuitive appeals to dogmatic statements or liturgical snippets. I will settle for an Aristotelian, as long as he provides me with a typed, double-spaced glossary of terms. Must be willing to receive blessed bread!
Who is that guy in the picture?
I don't know. I found it on a dating site. I wonder if the nose is actual size.
Actual size? It seems much bigger to me.
He looks like he has seen a ghost!
Or actually is a ghost. You could show a movie on his chest.
A mini-movie maybe.
It's the blessed bread that creeps folks out. But still, I'm sure you'll find a contender.
Great picture!
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