My Mom told me that right at that moment Serena was catching sight of the guy dressed as Alladin at the princess-themed restaurant. I have a hard time reading her face. My Mom says that she is blushing, as any modest princess would, upon catching sight of her betrothed. I thought this might be right, until I saw a picture of Alladin. Once I saw what Alladin actually looked like I began to wonder whether Serena's expression might not be better described as shock at what a weirdo Alladin has become.

Don't tell any of the princesses, but I think our friend from Agrabah is wearing lipstick! Since all the girls are lined up right there, I might as well introduce them. To the far left, wearing the Ariel wig, is Sydney. Next to her, also dressed as Ariel, is Lauren. You've already met Serena who, as you can guess, is dressed as princess Jasmine. Next to her is my cousin who lives in California. Her name is Olivia. She opted not to dress as a princess on account of being the oldest, but I think she did a good job picking an outfit that doesn't violate the spirit of a princess-themed restaurant.
I think this picture is totally awesome! Lauren, who is now having her turn with the Ariel wig, is peeking out from the back, totally enthralled by the zanyness that is Goofy. It's cute that the girls think that wig makes them look more princess-like. Ron, meanwhile, is wearing that extreme smile that comes when joy is kicking you in the face. Either that or Goofy is stepping on his foot.
1 comment:
Ron's smile might be from the cocktail. Ditto for mine with Minne Mouse in the first post.
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