What? You dare to bother the poet as he absorbs the view from the Tour d'Eiffel en Paris? Who are you to disturb my reverie for a mere photograph? You cannot capture my soul on your Kodak. My heart flies with the birds! Look to the sea for my true self. I am in the waves. What's that? You want to get something to eat? I am hungry too! Hungry for meaning!
(nasally) hoh hoh hoh... we
Fetching shot of you Mr. Poem Master!
Why thank you! You should see my driver's license picture. I'm at my most attractive when I'm pissed off.
Well, you shouldn't see my driver's license. I am the poster child for really bad license photos.
Thankfully, I get a new one this fall.
I took that picture and it doesn capture the essence. Although we ate BEFORE we ascended...
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