Thursday, September 6, 2007


I want to see the Truth naked, without the qualifications, questions, doctrinal reservations.
I want to see naked Truth and I want you to see it too.
I want to taste joy without a mediating mind of "nos" and "yesses". And God forbid a "maybe".
Should I be ashamed? Who cares!? Ask the Truth about shame.
Why are we not all in love with each other?


Benjamin said...

God forbid a "maybe"!

Gabe said...

The Truth? Does it have a shape, size,form, color, odor, texture? is it a man, woman, object? Will you recognize when you see it?

The Wrangler said...

Hi Gabe.

Man, I gotta stop writing when I'm drunk. The Truth, if I had to pick a shape for it, would be circular. If the Truth had a size, it would be infinitely large. I don't know what you mean by form, but I would say the Truth is in the form of a man. The Truth is gold colored. Smell is a hard one, maybe because it's so tied in with our individual memories, but I'm gonna say the Truth smells like the winter air. Texture: I think the Truth is rough, sharp even. To humans, both men and women, the Truth is primarily a man and then its a woman. If the Truth were an object it would be sunlight. Will I recognize it when I see it? The odds are not looking good.

The Wrangler said...
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The Wrangler said...

Gabe-I just saw from your blog that you're an investment guy. Can I have some money?